Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"
Jessica Beck
"Director of IELTS Training"

Are you throwing money down the toilet with your IELTS preparation?

If you don’t get the target score you need and then you immediately sign up for another exam two weeks later then yes, you are throwing money away and you need to stop doing it!

Let’s get smart.

We’ll show you why you should not invest in $600+ per month in taking the IELTS three times and what you should do instead.

Don’t take the exam more than once in a month. Just re-taking the test is not going to change your scores.

Sometimes people’s scores decrease when they do that.

You need testing strategies and you need solid English skills. It’s an English proficiency exam.

Read the story of Biff who took the test too many times and wasted his money.

Go about this logically. You know it’s a hard test. You know that your scores won’t increase within two weeks.

What should you do instead?

Wait at least one month before you take the test again.

You also need to get into a solid course that teaches you a good strategy system. These strategies are what will change your score along with increasing your fluency.

If you have already signed up for a class or worked with a tutor, don’t sign up for that class or work with that tutor again.

Try a different method. Don’t just register to take the test again and again.

You can try our course which is much more affordable than the price of taking the exam 3 times in a month.

What questions do you have?

How many times have you taken the test?

What methods have you tried?

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